I am very aware that I do too much. However, I am very energetic and creative, so my personality that never gives up, pushes me to get closure and success on all efforts. This site is the dock location for all my efforts. All content is generated from scratch. The media is owned and copyrighted myself, Thomas Kimball.
Any opinions and insights are welcome here. I work full-time in IT and at night on the more creative side.
..My photography, posters and art can be purchased on site linked to these pages. Please view and enjoy the view I have built here.
I build websites and sell items on-line for other people or myself. I have not promoted this and/or done this type of work in a long time. Everything on web related to me is under constant change. Enjoy all content and if there is any desire to have me work with your sites or efforts, simply contact me.
As a visitor, I would like to inform you that all pictures, content, media and photos are original work copyrighted and protected by myself. Also, nothing on any of my websites is completed using AI (Artificial Intelligence). This is original media and copy.
Copyright 2024 Thomas Kimball Westford MA 01886
This website is not designed using AI in any way.
All content is original and created from scratch. I, Thomas Kimball create and write all the media used here. This site does not use AI tools to create or assist any way. Any site or graphic on my sites this is used in any way will state so. None of the visuals or media can be used for business or private purposes without the written consent or signed agreement documenting this permission.